Saturday, December 08, 2007

Merrimack Public Library Blog

The Merrimack (NH) Public Library Blog is on the top of my list for Internet-savvy librarians.

They created a blog beginning in January of 2007 with several staff members as contributors.

They update this site on a regular basis. If you live in the greater Manchester or Nashua area, you are very close to this library and so you may want to take a look to see the great events they hold here.



Babiebluz said...

Can I get my blog on here?
Whats the requirements???

Janice said...



#1 Can I get my blog on here?

#2 Whats the requirements?
I learn about your blog. I determine that you indeed have a connection to New Hampshire. And then of course the other requirements.

I've posted an article about your blog.


Ellen Knowlton said...

Wow! What a nice surprise to read your post about our blog! One of our staff members discovered your blog and we are honored to be at the top of your list! We try hard to make the blog timely, interesting, and often humorous. Your kind comments will inspire us to new heights. Thanks so much, Janice!

Ellen Knowlton
Head of Reference and Adult Services
Merimack Public Library